What is it?
- A process by which Leaders engage in intense learning about self, others and the dynamics of their relationships and organization
- An opportunity for leaders to define and explore their unique strengths and realise their fullest potential
- An appreciation of the value of being truly authentic with themselves and others
- A deeper connection with their leadership purpose that will guide everything they do as leaders and colleagues
- A practical understanding of how being an authentic, purposeful leader will support them in seizing opportunities and dealing with challenges
Why do it?
- To engage, inspire, motivate self and others
- To maximise my performance and career
- To build really successful relationships
- To increase personal authority and play a bigger part on a bigger stage
- To transition successfully to the next level
- To feel more ease and flow in our day to day lives as leaders and family members

How coaching works
- Working with Angela and your organizational sponsor to determine your specific coaching goals, nature and duration of coaching process
- Agree diagnostics/psychometrics up front to help kick-start self awareness and personal leadership insight
- Meeting monthly (or so) for 1.5-2 hours to engage in deep dialogue and reflection on those issues, dilemmas and opportunities and how they are presenting in your day-to-day life
- Putting into ‘real-time’ action the changes identified as well as noticing and reflecting on what’s happening within and around you
- Continuous review of progress against goals and harvesting of your leadership insights
- Co-creation of an ongoing development plan for you to sue to self-manage your learning
- Review of your progress in coaching both at the mid-point and at the end of your coaching journey

Leadership coaching provides an opportunity for leaders to define and explore their unique strengths and realise their fullest potential. Angela will bring her passion for enabling you to be the best leader you can be, and work with you bringing the right mix of energy, support and challenge, to facilitate transformation. This transformation can positively impact all areas of your life.
For more information or any questions just get in touch.